Preva Networked Fitness for Exercisers


Visual Effects Supervisor

This video introducing the Preva platform from Precor was a case study in invisible effects.

Filmed quickly and efficiently to capture the full scope of the project, there was time for very little on-set VFX setup. Nearly every screen was replaced and many shots were stabilized in post. Talent interacted with most screens during the shoot, so most screens had to be replaced with the final UI without the benefit of green or gray screens for keying.

I oversaw a team of VFX artists completing shots through combination of keying, tracking, and rotoscoping. In addition to screen replacements, many shots needed stabilization, from basic automatic stabilization to a few that had to be rotoed, tracked, and almost fully rebuilt in 2.5D to achieve smooth camera movement.

The replaced screens were fully animated from original and recreated UI assets. Many common interactions were rigged and scripted to allow easy repetition.